We have been Greenlit!

I’m proud to announce that Abduction has been Greenlit by the Steam Greenlight community!

A big thank you to EVERYONE for helping, spreading ideas, and sharing us out there!  Without your help and support, this game will never take off.  And because of you, we now have the opportunity to begin creating the first of many really cool games to come.

Whats Next?

I’m impressed with Steam, the amount of paperwork required actually took my breath away for a moment!

But we are working through it nicely, and will soon have everything finalized.  The steam page will be kept up-to-date with individual release notes, public releases and the nuances of what we are doing every week.

Big announcements will still continue to appear here as usual!

Anything New?

In other news, we are excited to have some students coming to join us through a local Early Bird Youth program.  This allows youth to connect to companies and see how they build and grow as a part-time summer job (and we hope we will be an exciting experience for them).


This weekend, we will also be demoing our latest demo of Abduction at the Calgary Twitch meetup this weekend. And we’ve partnered up with another small team trying to work on creating cool content for gamers called The Gaming Report.

We also have some technical ideas, design ideas, and discussions coming up.

Keep tabs on us, we will have a forums soon, and it will be your chance to speak your opinion about the game!

Cool, Where to Get It?

There are two parts to this question, the alpha release and the official release!

The official release is on track for Halloween 2016.

However, our alpha releases are coming up quickly.  If you want to be part of the Alpha’s, keep tabs on us!  We will be opening up the game to a very restricted group for alpha testing soon and the general public will be able start pre-purchases and alpha access in about a month, when we formally launch our crowdfunding campaign.

This will also mean access to some other cool swag.