Abduction Submitted for Greenlight

We are very happy to announce that we have now submitted Abduction for Greenlight approval!

What is Greenlight?

If you ever watched “Are You Afraid of the Dark?”, Steam’s Greenlight process is kind of like submitting your story for approval!  This is how people in the community can vote (for free) on if they want a game to be published or not by Steam.  With Steam currently accounting for approximately 60% of all game sales in North America, passing the Greenlight process is beyond critical.

How can you help?

We don’t want to ask people to vote yes.

What we would love though, is sincere and honest feedback with a sincere vote on the Greenlight page, available here.

Check out our Video

[embedyt]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPBcEm3ln1U [/embedyt]