Red Iron Labs Selected for Startup Calgary’s Launch Party Program

The Launch Party Program

Check out our press release here.

We are proud to announce that Red Iron Labs has been selected as one of Calgary’s top startups, and will be presenting at Pitch Night on October 18th for a chance to showcase at Startup Calgary’s Launch Party in November.Startup Calgary based their selection on the ability to demonstrate product market fit and ability to attract users. The Startup companies accepted into the program are creating or using technology in a way that is disruptive and innovative.

See more in the Startup Calgary Announcement

“We’re extremely excited to be accepted into the program. Not only will it help us gain visibility into the Calgary startup community, it’s also going to expose us to mentors and investors.” – Lloyd Summers

Pitch Night will be held on Tuesday October 18, 2016 from 6:00 – 9:30 PM at the Glenbow Museum. You can buy Pitch Night Tickets now through Startup Calgary.